Literary tourism as a social phenomenon: a study of cultural practices and the tourism industry in Russia

Автор: Romanova N.V., Silkina N.Yu.

Журнал: Общество: социология, психология, педагогика @society-spp

Рубрика: Социология

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2024 года.

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This article scrutinizes literary tourism as a social phenomenon, delving into its sociocultural aspects, including the formation of tourists’ identities, their attitudes towards cultural heritage, and their perception of literary works. It underscores the pivotal role of literary tourism in the development of regional economy and cultural tourism at large. The significant importance of literary routes, writers’ museums, and literary festivals in attracting tourists and shaping the image of cultural tourism in Russia is highlighted, alongside the impact of literary works on tourist activity. Literary sites that allure tourists are identified. The article presents a study elucidating the influence of literary heritage on the development of the tourism industry in Russia. The results of the study facilitate a deeper understanding of the dynamics of literary tourism as a social phenomenon and its contribution to the development of the country’s cultural sphere.


Literary tourism, tourist flow, tourist identity, literary works, cultures and practices, tourism industry

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IDR: 149144952   |   DOI: 10.24158/spp.2024.4.1

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