Logistics of spare parts for agricultural machinery: problems and solutions

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Agriculture is one of the few branches of the economy of modern Russia that demonstrate stable growth. However, the experience of functioning of agricultural enterprises has revealed a number of shortcomings. The main economic indicator in agriculture is profit, which is directly dependent on the quality of technological operations (from pre-sowing tillage to harvesting, its preservation and transportation to consumers). In the conditions of strictly limited time associated with harsh climatic conditions for performing these operations, the problems of reliability of agricultural machinery (very complex, consisting of a large number of components and parts), the speed of moving it from object to object, and in the case of downtime due to malfunctions, rapid recovery of operability come to the fore. Minimizing downtime depends on a clear relationship between the actors involved: the land user the service center the spare parts warehouse the spare parts manufacturer and the transport logistician. Thus, one of the conditions for the effective operation of an agricultural enterprise is to reduce downtime and the cost of transportation. In this regard, the issues related to the practical solution of the problem are relevant. In the article, based on the analysis of the logistics of spare parts for agricultural machinery, measures are developed to improve the efficiency of the corresponding system, modeled in the form of a scenario of management decisions. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use an informal (heuristic) method, which is based on a systematic approach and is based on logic, rational analysis and extensive practical experience in the field under consideration.


Agricultural machinery, spare parts logistics, heuristic method, scenario method

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140261889

IDR: 140261889

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