Macroand microelements as development markers of endointoxication at chronic lead intoxication and sorbent correction

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In experiment on rats it was modeled the long lead intoxication. By means of the multielement analysis dynamics of distribution of micro-macrorlrmrnts in blood serum and lymph of animals in the conditions of chronic intoxication by salts of lead and at sorbent getter correction is studied. It is shown that the lymphatic system as a whole plays an essential role in redistribution and transport of macro- and microelements in organism liquids. It is established that enteral application nanocarbon mineral sorbent NCMS promotes lead weakening in investigated biosubstrata, but does not render selective action in relation to essential macro- and microelements.


Serum, lymph, sorbent, lead, micro- and macroelements

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IDR: 148100702

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