Management of vehicular traffic system using artificial bee colony algorithm

Автор: Risikat Folashade O. Adebiyi, Kabir Ahmad Abubilal, Abdoulie Momodou Sunkary Tekanyi, Busayo Hadir Adebiyi

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 11 vol.9, 2017 года.

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In this paper, an Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm (ADSA) based on Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) was developed for vehicular traffic control. The developed model optimally scheduled green light timing in accordance with traffic condition in order to minimize the Average Waiting Time (AWT) at the cross intersection. A MATLAB based Graphic User Interface (GUI) traffic control simulator was developed. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed ADSA this paper was validated with the existing work in the literature. The result obtained for the AWT of the developed ADSA had a performance of 76.67%. While for vehicular queues cleared at the intersection the developed ADSA had a performance of 53.33%. The results clearly expressed that the developed ADSA method has been successful in minimizing the Average Waiting Time and vehicular queues at the intersection.


Average Waiting Time, Vehicular queue, Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm, Artificial Bee colony, Queue Length and Congestion

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IDR: 15015913   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2017.11.03

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