Manchurian official seals of Abahai's epoch on the materials of historical chronicles "Ging shilu" ("Magad khuul")

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The article cites and analyzes the quotations from the Chinese historical chronicle “Qing Shilu” connected with the history of the state seals appearance as the most important symbol of statehood, means of legitimizing authority and of verifying the authenticity of the orders. It is concluded that the first Jurchen monarchs of the Late Jin and Qing dynasty quickly realized the important role of the official seals and adopted an effective system of centralized management, records keeping and documents circulation from the Chinese empire Min, which included a set of state seals for all civil and military establishments of the new state.


«qing shilu», official seals, sphragistic studies, paizi, clerical work

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170189533   |   DOI: 10.31443/2541-8874-2019-4-12-13-18

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