Manifests as legislative acts of the XVII-XIX centuries in the system of Russian law: concept and multi-predicates in "form of law"

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This paper is dedicated to the study of legislative acts of the XVII-XIX centuries in the system of Russian law in connection to the issues of the concept of a manifest as a legislative act and its multi-predicates in "form of law". Their definition is given, as well as "forms of law", "law" in the form: genus, species, variety. The author of the article uses general and special methods of knowledge proper to philosophical, legal, historical sciences. For the first time the author's position is expressed on scientists' opinions on this issue and they are commented. The characteristics of similar qualities, properties, and their differences and peculiarities is given. The author's suggestions will be interesting for constitutional law, theory of state and law, history of state and law. It is proposed to use the comprehensive approach in the study of legislative acts of the XVII-XIX centuries. The author poses the question whether it is relevant in the context of this study, to put into scientific use the category of "multi-predicates" which represents multiple features allowing to relegate an act to a given category in the following forms: "genus", ranking first in the author's classification; "species" ranking second; "variety" occupying the third place. The characteristics of the acts in question is shown as developing, specifying, detailing the categories of "genus", "species", "variety", which leads to narrowing them down to the notion of "form of law".


Manifest, legislative act, form of law, genus, species, variety, source of law, multi-predicates

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IDR: 142233864

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