Mathematical model of the ecranoplan parameters choice at the stage of the technical offer

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The mathematical model of the rational parameters choice is constructed at outline designing by a method of research of space of parameters. V alues of aerodynamic factors cy= f(a, h) and mz = f(a, h), relative coordinate of aerodynamic focus хf = f(a, h), distribution of aerodynamic loading on a bearing surface for three aerodynamic schemes of bearing surfaces plane, «duck», «hybrid» are received numerically. Functional dependences cy = f(a, h), mz = f(a, h), хf = f(a, h) are constructed.

Mathematical model, ground effect, ekranoplan, center of gravity, 5v-образное крыло с отрицательным углом стреловидности, reversed delta wing

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IDR: 148175811

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