Mathematical modeling of an electromagnetic pump with dosing, mixing and heating functions

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The presented article presents the results of mathematical modeling of magnetohydrodynamic (hereinafter referred to as MHD) processes in an electromagnetic pump with a tee working part. The scientific research was carried out using the ANSYS software tool.To study the physical processes occurring in the electromagnetic pump, two mathematical models were developed. To obtain electromagnetic effects on the liquid part of the metal, an electromagnetic problem was solved in the ANSYS Maxwell program. In the second model, which was performed in the ANSYS CFX program, the hydrodynamic problem was solved based on the results of the electromagnetic problem. Based on the results of solving the hydrodynamic problem, the main parameters for the electromagnetic pump were obtained: the distribution of pressures and velocities in the liquid metal. Based on the data obtained, an analysis was carried out, the geometry was optimized and the most optimal parameters of the induction system for the electromagnetic pump were selected.The scientific novelty of this work is the combination of several functions in one electromagnetic pump device: pumping, heating, mixing. And also the use of mathematical modeling methods in the study of electromagnetic and hydrodynamic processes occurring in an electromagnetic pump with a tee working part.


Electromagnetic pump, induction heating, electromagnetic induction, mathematical modeling, electromagnetic processes, thermal processes, aluminum casting, magnetic hydrodynamics

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146282944

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