Mathematical modeling of continuous media flow in a vortex chamber

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This article is devoted to the numerical modeling of the flow processes of pulverized water- coal fuel (WCF) in a vortex combustion chamber. WCF, consisting of fine coal particles, water, and special additives, is considered not only as a promising energy carrier capable of enhancing the efficiency and environmental performance of energy systems but also as a feedstock for coal gasification. The vortex method of fuel delivery ensures stable and complete combustion, reduces harmful emissions, and increases the efficiency of fuel-burning systems. Mathematical modeling of the vortex flow, based on the Navier-Stokes equations and the k-ε turbulence model, enables the analysis of flow parameters, prediction of fuel behavior under various conditions, and optimization of the chamber design. The modeling conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics confirms the effectiveness of the proposed model for analyzing the gas-dynamic situation in a vortex chamber with tangential gas and fuel injection.


Water-coal fuel, vortex chamber, mathematical modeling, comsol multiphysics, turbulence

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IDR: 146282966

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