On the Coleoptera fauna of the planned national park "Gornaya Kolyvan"

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The aim of the research was to study landscape biodiversity of Altai Krai in order to monitor their state. The article provides the results of studying Coleoptera necrophilous complex in the pine wood "Kolyvansky borok" which is located in the area of the planned national park "Mountain Kolyvan", which is a standard of native vegetation of Altai-Sayansk mountain region. Samples were collected by means of soil traps with decaying fish as bait. 46 species from 10 Coleoptera families have been revealed. Staphylinidae (66.14%) dominated in species diversity and number, as for Leiodidae, Scarabaeidae and Silphidae, they were much less abundant (10.63%, 7.48% and 6.70% respectively). The percentage of other species families was about 9.50%. Rare species (score of abundance 1) predominated in the collections (71.74%). Only one dominant species, e.i. Aleochara curtula (score of abundance 4), was numerous (16.93% of the total number of species). It can be explained by closely located small settlements with abundance of substrates for the development of flies that Aleochara are associated with...


Coleoptera, staphylinidae, silphidae, nitidulidae, leiodidae, biodiversity, altay, especially protected natural territories, necrophilous coleoptera

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14117102

IDR: 14117102

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