Mathematical model of thermophysical loading of a small-caliber artillery barrel with variant discretization of half-integer layers of the computational domain

Автор: Podkopaev I.A., Podkopaev A.V., Dolzhikov V.I.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.24, 2023 года.

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In the conditions of continuous financing of the programs of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, the question of finding the most effective ways to modernize weapons and military (special) equipment, the developments in which are maximum and the processes of their improvement can take no more than a few years, is particularly acute. Such products, in particular, include aviation artillery weapons (AAO), the prospects for the use of which remain for the entire period of the army's existence with conventional weapons. The main factor influencing the quality of the AAO functioning is considered to be the thermophysical loading of a small-caliber artillery barrel (hereinafter referred to as the barrel) during firing. The problem of increasing the accuracy of determining the temperature field of the barrel is again updated by tightening the conditions for striking targets. Issues closely related to the intensification of AAO application regimes have come to the fore. These are issues of heating, cooling, thermal strength, wear, barrel survivability, issues of safety and firing efficiency. Despite the methodological evidence of analytical and numerical approaches to formalizing heat transfer in the wellbore, their practical implementation is rather complicated. The physical and mathematical meaning of this reason is as follows: possible instability of solutions; manifestation of oscillations in areas of large gradients; simultaneous presence in the solution regions of supersonic, sonic and subsonic zones; the existence of laminar, turbulent flows and other non-linear formations; non-triviality of setting boundary conditions; the presence of thermal resistance of surfaces, etc. However, the practical needs of ensuring safety and increasing the efficiency of fire operation of AAO dictate the need to obtain a close approximation of the problem under consideration to its possibly existing exact analytical solution. The aim of the work is to improve the mathematical apparatus that simulates the temperature field of the shaft based on a combination of heat transfer methods and mathematical physics. By verifying the reliability of the developed mathematical model (hereinafter referred to as the model, if from the context of the presentation of the material it is clear that we are talking about the proposed tools), the facts of the absence of methodological errors in the formation of the constituent blocks of the model and the increase in the accuracy of determining the thermal loading of the wellbore by 9.4 % were established. Based on the accents of the stated problem, the directions for improving the model are argued.


Firing mode, thermal conductivity, differential equation, difference equation, approximation, reliability

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329714   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2023-24-4-717-736

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