Mathematical modeling of autocompensation devices

Автор: Katkova V.P., Vyakhirev V.A., Krintal A.N.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Informatics, computer technology and management

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.24, 2023 года.

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The article studies the order of developing and describing mathematical models of automatic compensation devices of all-round radar stations. The development of algorithms for spatial processing of signals in radar systems with phased antenna arrays is an important stage in the design of radar stations. This article considers the procedure to create mathematical models of automatic compensation devices that differ in implementation methods, namely: the number of compensation channels, the position of the main and compensation (additional) channels of the radar station (stationary or dynamic), the amplitude-phase distribution of the main and additional antennas, the representation phased antenna array, algorithms for finding the weight vector. The method of computational experiment verifies the adequacy of the operation of the models and the results are comparable with the implemented automatic compensation devices in radar stations. Presented in the form of graphs of the signal at the output of the automatic compensation device as well as the passage of the matched filter, the results of the computational experiment show effectiveness of the algorithm to calculate the weight vector; they permit to visually, quickly and economically compare the efficiency of the automatic compensation devices, depending on the method of their implementation. The article discusses the algorithm for the direct formation of the weight vector and the algorithm for the formation of the weight vector through the inverse correlation whitening matrix. Mathematical models of automatic compensation devices and the results of a computational experiment can be used to train future specialists who develop and operate radar stations.


Mathematical model, active noise interference, correlation automatic compensation, weight coefficient vector, speed

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329708   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2023-24-4-652-662

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