Mathematical modeling of the technological process of improving the quality of polymeric products of machine-building purposes

Автор: Larchenko A. G, Filippenko N. G., Livshits A. V.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Technological processes and material science

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.20, 2019 года.

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In this scientific work, a method of controlling high-frequency products from polymeric composite materials is considered. The authors of the work present the rationale for choosing a method of high-frequency diagnostics as the most suitable for non-destructive testing of products from polymeric materials of machine-building and rocket-space purposes. In the presented article, the primary task of creating and studying a mathematical model of the effect of highfrequency radiation on a polymer product, including those with a “metallic inclusion” defect, has been stated and solved. In addition, the work presents the calculations of diagnostic parameters using the mathematical model developed during the study. The calculation of the dynamics of heating the product and the temperature distribution during the control process is presented. The results of the calculation of specific power are described, the dependence of the instantaneous power consumption on the warm-up time is found. In the study based on a mathematical model, the Aleo- Diagnost software package was developed and registered, which is directly intended to ensure the functioning of the diagnostic devices and the investigation of the monitoring process. In addition, the developed complex allows solving a number of such practical problems as the calculation of the operating voltage depending on the geometrical parameters of the product and the determination of the value of energy consumed for monitoring the product for a specified period of time. This stage was necessary, as the consumed energy is the main output parameter of the diagnosis. In addition, the value of energy consumed is taken as the basis for the organization of the process of non-destructive testing in the automated mode. The solution of the tasks in this work has significantly reduced the cost of preparation of diagnostic operations, as well as improve the quality of control of products on an industrial scale at the stages of manufacture, operation and during repair work. The article also presents practical results, conclusions.


Control of high frequency currents, device for products diagnosing, polymer products, automated control system, diagnosing products of complex configuration, mathematical model of the diagnostic process, software, nondestructive testing

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148321666   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2019-20-1-106-111

Список литературы Mathematical modeling of the technological process of improving the quality of polymeric products of machine-building purposes

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