The business processes allocation matrix as the instrument of architecture formation of innovative infrastructure in the region

Автор: Erygin Yu. V., Borisova E.V.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.18, 2017 года.

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In the article the role of innovative infrastructure in innovative development of regions with a considerable innova- tive capacity of the enterprises of defense industry complex is defined. The authors have carried out the analysis of innovative infrastructure of regions which have possibilities of devel- opment of economy of the region on the basis of commercialization of innovative capacity of defense industry enter- prises. This analysis has allowed to define the main directions of development of economy of the region and to define conditions for effective implementation of regional innovative projects. The authors have developed the conceptual approach to form the innovative infrastructure of the region. This ap- proach considers the innovative capacity of the territory, character and conditions of commercialization of innovative capacity of defense industry enterprises, and specifics of their activity. The authors have developed the business processes allocation matrix of innovative projects of the region on objects of innovative infrastructure (the matrix of “RBPIP”) for realization of the offered conceptual approach. In one innovative project use of the offered matrix of “RBPIP” will create network interaction of the objects of innovative infrastructure interested in its successful realization. The matrix allows building for each object of innovative infrastructure the portfolio of business processes from a set of business processes of innovative projects of the region at implementation of all set of regional innovative projects. The results of an assessment of a commercial solvency of objects of innovative infrastructure define objects which have to be created in the region at realization of portfolio of business processes. These results define business processes which are transferred to objects of innovative infrastructure of national and international level. The business processes allocation matrix of innovative projects allows creating architecture of innovative infra- structure of the region. The balance of objects of regional innovative infrastructure is reached due to compliance of business processes of innovative projects to the objects of innovative infrastructure functioning in the region and offered to creation.


Defense industry complex, innovative potential, commercialization, innovative infrastructure, innovative project, business processes

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177721

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