Экономика. Рубрика в журнале - Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал

A model to assess the risk of bankruptcy for agricultural firms in Krasnoyarsk region
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In this paper we report on the algorithm of development of a bankruptcy risk assessment model to be applied to agricultural firms of Krasnoyarsk region, which involves factorial and discriminant analysis of relevant data.

Analysis of risks of the foreign trade transactions between Russia and China
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The foreign trade transactions in the system of economic activity between Russia and China are considered. Recommendations about conducting the foreign trade transactions with China with the purpose to increase the efficiency of it are resulted.

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The competitiveness of higher educational institutions in the market of educational services of Krasnoyarsk region is considered in the article, the concept “the higher vocational training” is also given in the present research. The problem urgency is proved, the general approaches and conditions of research of competitiveness of higher educational institutions are shown, major factors for a competitiveness estimation are allocated.

Conceptual model of the investment priorities estimation in infocommunications
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We offer a new conceptual model for investment priorities estimation. It provides the analysis in a regional profile, industry profile and on a micro level. The model combines a number of economic-mathematical methods of modeling, including cluster and multivariate regression analyses. It is recommended to use theory and systematic tools of the real options concept for the priorities estimation on a micro level.

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The aspects of objects' investments appeal are studied. The basic estimation methods of the real estate market are analyzed. A method of information system construction objects' cost estimation of investment is proposed.

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Development trends of modern business services markets lead to the unification of the range, quality and cost of services. Under these conditions, the customer relationship management becomes the most important factor for a business services’ company competitive ability.

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Рассмотрены базовые аспекты синтеза и применения организационно-экономического механизма управления группировкой малых предприятий промышленности муниципального образования. В качестве полигона избран г. Улан-Уде.

Definition of participants of the investment project
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For success of any investment project its careful planning is necessary. For this purpose it is necessary to consider interests of all persons which can affect its execution and results. Such persons form a social network of the project, some aspects of definition of such network are described in the present article.

Delimitation of the investment project
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Project's scopes and works management is the important component of any investment plan. One of the ways of project's risks minimization involves more exact definition of those works which should be executed for the benefit of project completion and desirable cash flow obtainment.

Design of the regions' economic development strategy
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At present Russian economy is undergoing the similar trends of the modern economic development to those taking place in developed countries, those are globalization, advanced development of the service industries, post-industrial society formation, intellectual component expansion in the outcomes of any industry, informatization of the society, exhaustion of traditional sources of social and economic growth. In such conditions search for new ways and factors of the regional self-development is critical.

Economic methods of spectrum/orbit management for satellite networks
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Satellite systems continue to play an important role in developing of telecommunication and broadcasting services market by offering an effective technical solution for the transmission and dissemination of various types of information to mobile and fixed subscriber receivers. This trend is raising demand for the spectrum-orbit resource (SOR) which provides the operation of any radio-electronic system and this leads to a shortage of this valuable resource. The inter- national administrative management system, based on technical and normative principles and procedures set in the Radio Regulations, which successfully coped with its tasks of SOR distribution under conditions when several satellite nations have an insignificant number of satellites in the geostationary orbit, under conditions of current loading, shows its inefficiency. The procedure of obtaining authorization to use the resource involves considerable expenditure of time and material resources raising transaction costs on development of satellite projects and increasing financial risks, which makes investment in satellite projects less attractive. In this regard there is a question of the necessity of stimu- lating rational use of SOR methods introduction. We are considering the possibility of introducing economic methods into the international SOR management system as an additional tool to encourage the rational use of the resource. An analysis of the existing approaches of contempo- rary economic theory has identified some basic options for applying economic methods to the SOR management system. For the planned frequency bands, distributed for satellite services, the introduction of national assignments rent system is offered. For unplanned frequency bands, the introduction of payments for the SOR use is being considered. On the basis of electromagnetic compatibility of satellite communication systems assessment analysis, the methods to deter- mine payments for SOR based on assessments of a satellite system aggressivity in terms of creating interference and of its sensitivity to interference from other systems are offered.

Efficiency of the organization staff work: synthesis of organizational behaviour
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There have been described several types of workers behaviour and their influence on the productivity in organization. There is presented a number of issues which make it possible to determine the type of staff behavior and possible ways to control this behavior.

Evaluation methods of the effectiveness of human capital use in the organization
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The use efficiency of organizational human capital is considered as a background of organizational added value implementation. The most known methods of the use effectiveness of human capital are discussed and analyzed.

Express-assessment of business value for making tactical decisions in management of companies
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The management of enterprise value by the method of express-assessment of business value is considerate in this work. The author offers a more accurate formula for calculating the business value by net assets. Also we introduce a system of quadrants, that enable to make management decisions in order to increase business value efficiently.

Factors of sustainable development of the agro-economic system
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Reserves and factors which ensure stabilization and subsequent sustainable development of agro economic system are analyzed. The priority direction of sustainable development policy of agro-economic system, which is based on five interconnected components, based on the use of economic tools of nature-conservation activity of agricultural tenant farmer stimulation is emphasized.

Features of operational costs decomposition by carrying out of ship-repair works
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Types of costs decomposition at the ship-repair enterprises are offered, considering individual character of works and allowing improving qualitative characteristics of cost management.

Forecasting of the leading indexes of social-economic factors on Yeniseisk district
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In this article presents the forecast of social and economic factors influencing Yeniseisk district over 2009–2012. The main supposition of the forecast is following the existing linear trend of the main social-economic factorsdevelopment with permanence of external factors. This results in the positive track record of the growing investment in the fixed capital that is stipulated by involving large-scale investment projects.

Formation of regional wholesale food markets system
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The management structure and the infrastructure of regional wholesale food market, the scheme of agricultural products and foodstuffs movement to the end-consumer are offered. The place of the wholesale market in the system of food supply is defined.

GERT-сетевой анализ производственных процессов
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Для временного анализа производственных процессов предлагается их представление в виде стохастических GERT-моделей, что позволяет учесть неопределенность в продолжительности выполнения работ и альтернативность развития производственных процессов.

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The article gives the results of problems examination that are connected with estimating the volume of corporate bonded debts. A review of the basic methods to estimate the volume of corporate bonded debts was carried out. There were offered methods of financing innovation activities at defence enterprises and industrial complex in the form of bonded dept including determination of its basic parameters.