“May there always be sunshine!”: a symbol of childhood in Soviet and American cold war songs

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Introduction. The article is the first to study the use of the symbol of childhood by the USSR and the USA songs for the representation of Cold War issues. Methods and materials. Based on the methodology of constructivism, the author analyzes the reasons for the politicization of the image of childhood and the role of popular music as an instrument of symbolic politics. Qualitative content analysis is used to examine more than 400 songs of the USSR and the USA related to Cold War issues; about 70 of them use the symbol of childhood. The symbol of childhood in the Soviet song. A study of USSR songs demonstrates that images of children were an important component of the “cultural Cold War” on the musical front. The symbol of childhood in the American song. U.S. musical pieces contributed significantly to the legitimation of the Cold War and the construction of images of “us” and “them,” including with the help of images of children.


Childhood, cold war, political symbol, popular music, image of the enemy, international security

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149145113

IDR: 149145113   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2024.1.2

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