Media culture as a phenomenon of the modern information society

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The article presents contemporary concepts of media culture and describes its information and communication functions in modern mass media and internet discourse. The aim of the study is to define the role of media culture as a phenomenon of information-dependent society. The relevance lies in the active and aggressive influence of media and cultural processes on the development of contemporary society, which are at odds with the poor research, since many of these processes are still at a nascent and developmental stage. The article also draws conclusions and generalisations about the negative and positive characteristics of media culture, which promotes mainly mass culture products that have no aesthetic value, but which do benefit from their relaxing powers.


Information age, media culture, internet discourse, public communications, media production, mass media, media text, relaxation, mass culture, visualisation, information revolution, communication theory, inculturisation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170188954   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2021-5-3-177-180

Список литературы Media culture as a phenomenon of the modern information society

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