Media aesthetics of classical music art

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The article considers the ways of functioning of classical musical art in the development of technical and technological resources, including the means of mass communication. Analyzed is the manifestation of aesthetic categories in the modern context as inherent in the classic works of spiritual content. Observed change in the perception of modern audience in the information society. As one of the ways broadcast traditions in the digital age, considers such a phenomenon as the remake. The problem of the Genesis of this phenomenon in the musical culture corresponds with the main dilemma of the existing theories about the phenomena of the digital era: new phenomena of a new era or updated variant of the «old». The relevance of the problem, stated in the article, is caused by necessity of comprehension of the phenomena in modern socio-cultural space and is in the sphere of scientific thought musicological, sociological, cultural, and philosophical Sciences.


Classical musica, musical art, digital era, musical culture, remake, aesthetic

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IDR: 14489753

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