Carpathian bees honey productivity cosidering weather conditions, queens age and origin

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The purpose of the study is to evaluate the honey productivity of bee colonies depending on weather conditions, age and origin of the queens. The study was conducted in the spring-summer seasons of 2020-2021 in the conditions of the Kaluga Region. Observation of weather conditions showed that in March 2021 the average air temperature was lower than the previous year by 6.2 °C, hot dry weather set in during the main honey harvest. Weather conditions had a negative impact on the honey productivity of the main bee colonies and layers. So, from each main family of the first group with queens of the second year of life in 2020, 35.5 kg of marketable honey were received, in 2021 - 25.8 kg each, i.e. 27.3 % less. The output of marketable honey from bee colonies of the second group with queens of the current year of birth in 2020 averaged 10.6 kg, in 2021 - 6.0 kg. The bee colonies of the third group with queens of line 77 of the Carpathian breed of the current year of birth in 2021 collected an average of 14.8 kg of honey, which is 2.5 times more compared to bee colonies formed from queens of the current year of birth in the apiary. It should be noted that bee colonies with line 77 queens were formed 2 weeks earlier, since the queens were delivered from a beekeeping farm in the south of the Russian Federation. The cost of purchasing queens of line 77 was fully paid off due to the commercial honey received from bee colonies.


Weather conditions, carpathian bee breed, line 77, queen age, strength of bee colonies, honey productivity

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IDR: 140294051   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2022-3-101-106

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