Mechanisms of Siberian people's adaptation to the Russian power during the period of Siberia's annexation to Russia (the end of the XVI century - the beginning of the XVII century)

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The paper describes main adaptive mechanisms used by Siberian people during the period of the submission to Russia. These mechanisms are divided into three groups: role mechanisms which determined the adaptation of Siberian ethnic societies to the place, status, role and function in the system of Russia; regulative mechanisms which helped the Siberian people to become familiar with the Russian political and law regulations system and set the rules for the behavior in the direct contact to the Russian authorities; worldview mechanisms which caused some changes in the political sphere of aboriginal worldview. Mentioned adaptive mechanisms promoted to form the value orientations which were loyal to the Russian political system.


Siberia, xvii век, xvii century, russian-aboriginal relations, political adaptation, adaptive mechanisms, siberia's annexation

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IDR: 147219177

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