Financial support mechanism of invention and innovation in scientific and technological areas in Russia

Бесплатный доступ

The author analyzes the causes that prevent the active participation of research and engineering staff of Russia in the creation of new and improved technologies used. Discusses how to motivate greater participation of engineering professionals, is the author (but not owners) of the results of scientific and technical activities (R & D results), in the innovation process. Proposed and justified effective mechanisms to encourage the authors to develop R & D results, and continue to participate in their commercialization. In particular, the author considers it appropriate to implement incentives sponsors R & D results in the process of creation and the commercialization rights to the R & D results. Determination of the remuneration proposed to take on the methodology provided by the author.


Innovative design, intellectual property, the results of scientific and technological activities, commercialization of r & d results, the copyright of the ip, the exclusive rights to the ip, investment value, ip, r & d results

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170171984

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