Mechanisms for implementing the system of personalized education of students

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The activities of a professional educational organization in the formation of a personalized system of education for students are covered. It is indicated that the portfolio of individual educational achievements of technical school students and the mobile application “Territory of Your Talent”, specially developed for their personal use, can become mechanisms of educational influence. The portfolio also acts as a visual representation of individual educational and professional results, in which, using a certain structure, the degree of progress of the student towards the result of his educational activities is demonstrated. The structure of the portfolio, requirements for the design of content and the filling of folders with documents are shown. The criteria for assessing and protecting the student’s individual portfolio “Trajectory of Success” are highlighted. It is noted that a student’s portfolio can also be considered as one of the conditions for the success of the implementation of the innovative project “Creating conditions for personalized educational work in a professional educational organization,” which has been implemented at the technical school since 2021. Research methods include analysis of scientific publications on the problem under consideration, study of regulatory documents, questionnaires, and project method.


Portfolio, individual educational trajectory, personality orientation, development of student's reflective activity skills

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240205

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