Images and symbols of small cattle in the mythological representations and rituals of the Buryats

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Purpose. The aim of the study is to identify a complex of Buryat mythological views about small cattle. Results. The first part of the article gives a general description of small cattle in traditional Buryat culture. It is noted that the Buryats noticed the morphological features and behavior of sheep and goats and transmitted these observations through the works of small genres of folklore. It is stated that in Buryat anthroponymy there are names associated with the names of small cattle. It is shown that the images of a ram and sheep were included in the concept of time and space. The Buryats used sheep meat and some of its internal organs for medicinal purposes. In the second part of the work, a comparative description of the images and symbols of small cattle in the traditional representations and rituals of the Buryats is given. The functions of small cattle in Buryat rites are considered. Based on the data of Buryat rites, the symbolism of these animals and their zoological characteristics are revealed. Conclusion. It is revealed that the images of a goat and ram / sheep are multi-valued and generally have a positive connotation associated with the fundamental values – the sky, celestial bodies, and so on. The goat endowed with heavenly, solar, fiery symbols is associated with the idea of fertility; marriage symbolism is inherent to the goat. The image of a ram / sheep is associated with the sky, stars, moon and fire. It was found that small cattle carry the symbol-ism of well-being. It is noted that the negative connotation of small cattle is due to the idea of them as messengers of death, misfortune and the decline in weather conditions. It is determined that in Buryat rites, small cattle were victims, sacrificed to the higher animal forces. It is revealed that the sacred status of the ram/sheep is more pronounced in the rites than that of the goat.


Ethnography, folklore, vocabulary, Buryats, traditional worldview, shamanism, small cattle

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IDR: 147234477   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2021-20-7-157-168

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