Memorandum of understanding on September 4,2014 between NATO and Finland

Автор: Kilin Yuri

Журнал: Studia Humanitatis Borealis @studhbor

Рубрика: Международные отношения

Статья в выпуске: 2 (9), 2017 года.

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The article analyzes the Memorandum of Understanding signedon September 4, 2014 in Wales at the North Atlantic Alliancesummit by the Finnish Defense Forces commander J. Lindbergand the Supreme Allied Commander of the Joint Armed Forcesin Europe, General Ph. Breedlove, under which Finland (andSweden) joined the alliance program Host Nation Support. TheMemorandum became the most significant milestone ofFinland's rapprochement with NATO from 1992 to 2017, it wassigned and entered into force with violation of the provisions ofthe Constitution of Finland in an extraordinary manner. Thecontent of the Memorandum allows NATO, in practice, the US,in the event of a serious international crisis, to use the territoryof Finland and the entire eastern Baltic in the period precedingthe war as a base for conducting military operations againstthe North-West Federal District of Russia, at the directions ofMurmansk, Karelia and St. Petersburg.


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