Mental mode as modus category

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The article focuses on a debatable question of the concept`s «mental mode» capacity. Relevance of this subject is defined by the fact that set of modus categories differs in works of different authors. In the research we note that the list of modus categories is open in modern linguistics, but the definition of the mental mode is interpreted ambiguously: there is a broad and a narrow approach to its understanding. In this work we proceed from a narrow view of this subjective meaning. First of all we apply to the means of explicit expression of the mental mode - the mental lexicon that emphasizes attention to the capacity of the concept «mental mode». Our research has shown the fact that the semantic field with mental meaning includes disparate elements of the grammatical plan. Specialized means of expression of the modus category are the following lexemes: myslit' ‘to think', dumat' ‘to believe', dumatsya ‘to suspect' which initially have mental semantics. However the result of intellectual activity of the speaker in the processing of scientific information can be explicated by means of mental nouns with the semantics «angle of view». Such lexemes as aspekt ‘an aspect', vzglyad ‘a point of view', pozitsiya ‘a position', tochka zreniya ‘a view-point', ugol zreniya ‘an angle of view', otnoshenie ‘an attitude', v smyisle ‘in terms', storona ‘a part', plan ‘a plan', podhod ‘an approach', v svete ‘in the light', v glazah ‘in view', v kontekste ‘in the context of', v klyuche ‘in the vein', v rusle ‘in the course', v zerkale ‘in a mirror', v ramkah ‘in the frame of', orientatsiya ‘orientation', cherez prizmu ‘through a prism', oblast ‘an area', shkola ‘a school', rakurs ‘a view', ponimanie ‘understanding', napravlenie ‘a direction', paradigm ‘a paradigm', v fokuse ‘in a focus' express knowledge as result of the mental process. They identify a process or a result of intellectual modeling of reality, structuring of the mental sphere of the person (understanding and knowledge). Based on the results of the research, the option of definition of the mental mode as modus category is presented in this work.


Modus category, mental lexicon, intellectual activity, mental mode

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IDR: 147219726

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