Disciplinary measures in relation to judges in the Russian empire (end of 19th century)

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The well-known judicial reform of 1864 significantly transformed judicial activity in the Russian Empire, including judges receiving more independence in the administration of justice. At the same time, in absolutist Russia there was control over judges, which noticeably increased during the period of counter-reforms (from the 1880s). The article discusses the features of this control with an emphasis on disciplinary measures against judges in case of violation of the established rules. The relevant legal acts and scientific works on the stated issues are analyzed. It is noted that stricter disciplinary supervision of judges meant a limitation of the independence of judges, and primarily in criminal and political cases, and distorted the essence of the judicial reform of 1864.


Judicial reform, disciplinary supervision, department, state council, supervision, responsibility

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170205501

IDR: 170205501   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-4-179-182

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