Local stratigraphical map of upper Devonian - middle carboniferous interval of northern Pay Khoy carbonate parautochthone
Автор: Zhuravlev A.V., Gerasimova A.I., Vevel Y.A.
Журнал: Вестник геонаук @vestnik-geo
Рубрика: Научные статьи
Статья в выпуске: 4 (244), 2015 года.
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A new local stratigraphy is proposed for the Famennian - Bashkirian of the northern part of the Pay-Khoy carbonate parautochthone. The Lymbadyakhinskaya Formation is proposed instead of the Mys Kostyanoy and Karpova lithological units, the Bolvansky lithological unit is considered as the Bolvanskaya Formation.The Lymbadyakhinskaya Formation is composed of grey algal-stromatoporoid dolomites and limestones, containing algal-stromatoporoid buildups in the lower part, and siliceous and calcite nodules in the upper part. The formation is 130-170 m thick. This formation comprises the Upper Devonian - Lower Carboniferous (Famennian-Tournaisian). The Bolvanskaya Formation is composed of detrital limestones with Rugosa corals and large productids, and contains siliceous nodules. The thickness of the formation is about 500 m. The Bolvanskaya Formation is Visean-Bashkirian in age. Clear lithological characteristics and significant thickness of the formations make it possible to use these units in the middle-scale geological mapping.
Stratigraphy, upper devonian, carboniferous, pay khoy
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IDR: 149128653