Metallurgical production in the Ryazan region at the turn of the 20th century: structural dynamics and development trends

Автор: Nagornov Valentin Pavlovich

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: История

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2016 года.

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The article deals with the evolution of ownership forms and organization of metallurgical industry production in the Ryazan Province in the second half of the XIX -early XX centuries. The specifics and the results of incorporating and technological modernization of the enterprises are reviewed. The author comes to the conclusion that emergence of the new centers of the metallurgical production focused on the regional market became important positive aspect of the economic dynamics of the Ryazan Province.

Ryazan province, 1860-s reforms, metallurgical industry, private business

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IDR: 14940777

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