Metamorphoses of Persian painting in the titles of Iranian films

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In this study, using the example of the experience of artistic design of film credits, the possibilities of converting the Persian miniature (negargari) from a memorial layer of cultural heritage into an art phenomenon relevant to modern man are shown. Based on the identification of elements of the art schools of Persian painting in the credits of the Iranian film Dynamite, the author substantiates the possibility and expediency of overcoming the contradictions between the space of tradition and modernity. Persian miniature painting is an aristocratic art with exquisite coloristics, balanced compositions and scrupulous attention to detail. It acts as one of the elements of the visual cultural heritage, which has changed over the centuries. The age-old forms of artistic expression through art in general and Persian painting in particular reflect the soul of the nation, and it is important for a modern person to understand that the past is alive only when it is used today. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion about an unconventional approach to the use of artistic heritage, its modernization and revival in a new guise in the context of pop art. The use of Iranian painting beyond the limits set aside for it shows that traditional art is no longer limited to two-dimensional space and book layout and is capable of synergy with the modern world.


Film credits, iranian cinema, iranian painting, negargari school

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147246035   |   DOI: 10.14529/ssh240407

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