Metatext and the speech mask of the author (in the works of columnists)

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In the article the four-level model of the image of the author of publicistic text is considered. There are metatext, its structure and semantics are analyzed. The authors analyze the formation of meanings at the level of actual, conceptual and implicit information. The article proves the connection of metalanguage behavior with the semantic structure of the text. The authors identify the main functions of metatext in the column genre: coherence, differentiation of subject-speech narrative plans, characterization of words and utterances as signals of an epoch or social situation, modeling of the author’s image, etc. “Textotyping” is considered as special function of metatext. The authors also distinguish different types of metatext, including hidden metatext and metatext and fictitious metatext. A sample of metatext analysis of media production is shown. The article analyzes the speech mask and metatext behavior as a component of the author’s image.


Publicistic style, journalism, column, image of the author, speech mask, piece of writing, metalinguistic behavior

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147220442   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-6-180-193

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