Method for forming multi-dimensional data in the information financial and economic system at the enterprise of state space corporation “Roscosmos”

Автор: Kartamyshev A.S., Chernysh B.A., Murygin A.V.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Informatics, computer technology and management

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.22, 2021 года.

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The construction of detailed accounting that allows to generate complex analytical reporting is an in-dispensable requirement of a modern financial system. For enterprises of the State Space Corporation “Roskosmos” with custom-made and small-scale production, operating in the conditions of Federal Law No. 275, characterized by a large amount of R&D and a high degree of uncertainty in the process of creat-ing products, this task is a system-forming one. The reporting should contain consistent data in any area of management and accounting at any given time. Along with this, system must provide the flexibility, reliabil-ity and performance inherent in transactional databases. To build information support that satisfies the specified conditions, it is required either to separate OLTP and OLAP data schemes, or to apply special-ized solutions based on the use of structures and techniques optimized for performing OLAP operations in traditional RDBMSs. This article considers the approach to form the multidimensional data in an automat-ed management system for economic tasks, as an effective alternative to complex and expensive BI solu-tions. Unlike many commercial systems, the ASU FEZ does not store redundant data (for example, opera-tional accounting registers in the 1C: Enterprise platform) required to build analytical accounting. The underlying data structures and methods of their processing allow for all types of accounting and have pow-erful tools for constructing analytical reporting. The article proposes algorithms for the operation of the system using the example of building simple OLAP cubes used in real tasks of automating financial and economic activities in ISS JSC for one of the Purchase subsystems. The formalization of these problems is carried out, the mathematical apparatus for constructing multidimensional data models based on infor-mation from a fixed set of normalized tables of a relational database is considered.The examples of SQL queries and outputs are provided. The advantages of using the system in operational management and accounting at the enterprise increasing its operational efficiency are summarized.


Database, OLTP, OLAP, analytical processing, multidimensional representation, relational schema, normalization, normal form, automation system

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329591   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2021-22-4-589-599

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