Methodology for assessing reliability of stand-bed systems in testing liquid throat engines

Автор: V. P. Nazarov, V. Yu. Piunov, A. I. Kolomentsev, V. G. Yatsunenko, K. F. Golikovskaya

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.23, 2022 года.

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In the process of design processing of low thrust rocket engines great attention is paid to special bench test methodologies, technical use of benches, simulation measurements of the physical conditions of outer space, as well as the use of diagnostic studies and equipment for various physical studies and measurements. The efficiency of ground (bench) testing is ensured by simulating the conditions of full-scale tests and taking into account the influence of all operational factors affecting the reliability of the assessment of reliability indicators during design testing in ground conditions. A special place in the issues of achieving test efficiency is occupied by the requirements to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results. A significant amount of testing during the development of engines should be carried out under the required vacuum conditions on test benches equipped with pressure chambers with vacuum systems. As a result of failures of some elements of a complex bench system, the quality of functioning deteriorates and the probability of successful performance of the functions that determine the output effect of the system decreases. Therefore, the task of evaluating the reliability of the systems of the stand for firing tests of rocket engines is reduced to elucidating the effect of element failures on the quality of operation and the output effect of each system. When testing, the given conditions must unambiguously determine the technical characteristics of the test stand, including the pressure chamber and vacuum equipment. Tests must be carried out with a sufficient degree of certainty. When assessing the dynamic characteristics in pulsed modes, significant errors are introduced by inertial forces. Methods for ensuring the dynamic similarity of the characteristics of the engine supply systems with fuel components on the stand and as part of the propulsion system of the spacecraft, including the correspondence of the hydraulic, inertial and wave characteristics of the mains, are considered. An analysis of the errors in the test results was carried out. The tasks of the methodology for calculating instrumental errors are formulated. An assessment of the frequency characteristics of bench hydraulic lines was carried out. Recommendations have been developed to improve the accuracy of measuring parameters during bench firing tests of low-thrust rocket engines.


Rocket engines of low thrust, reliability, bench tests

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329664   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2022-23-4-721-733

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