Overload control in SIP networks based on statistical analysis of signaling traffic

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Latest papers studying traffi c in multi-service networks have shown that pattern of that traffi c is somewhat different from the one we used to see in traditional telephone networks which assumed Poisson as an inter-call arrival distribution process. Nowadays, packet switched networks are better described by a self-similar traffi c models which require new approaches based on long-tailed inter-call arrival distribution processes (Pareto, log-normal, Weibull etc.). Current paper studies SIP traffi c collected on a real VoIP network and shows that it has all features of a self-similar process. This fact is later used to enhance SIP overload control mechanism to eliminate shortcoming of the existing methods.


Media traffi c, signaling traffi c, протокол sip, self-similar process, overload control mechanism, sip protocol, overload control

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140191490

IDR: 140191490

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