Method of invariant transformations for definition cross-section a component of an electromagnetic field in girotropic the limited areas

Автор: Itigilov Garma Borisovich, Shirapov Dashadondok Shagdarovich

Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Философия @vestnik-bsu

Рубрика: Математическое моделирование

Статья в выпуске: 9, 2012 года.

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The method of invariant transformations receives analytical expressions for cross-section a component of an electromagnetic field in closed girotropic areas with the orthogonal curvilinear form of cross-section section at any magnetization. Such approach allows to proceed easily to concrete forms of cross-section section (rectangular, round and elliptic) at various cases of magnetization (longitudinal, касательном, normal). In the given work longitudinal magnetization is considered.

Cross-section components of an electromagnetic field, magnetization, girotropic filling, limited area, symbols of kristoffel, coefficients of the lame

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