Method of calculation of parameters of crossing of the zero level for stationary casual processes

Автор: Braynina I.S., Petrov O.A.

Журнал: Инфокоммуникационные технологии @ikt-psuti

Рубрика: Технологии телекоммуникаций

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.7, 2009 года.

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The method of the approached calculation of parameters of emissions casual processes for a zero level is offered. In a basis of calculation use of correlation function R1(τ) of pulse casual sequence B1(t), received is necessary as a result of ideal bilateral restriction at a zero level initial casual process. Considering (examining) pulse sequence B1(t) as inducing, it is possible to receive from it (her) a number (line) of pulse sequences Bi(t), i = 2; 3... к by division B1(t) on frequency in i time. In a result, besides initial correlation function R1(τ) appear still (к - 1) the functions R1(τ) bearing (carrying) the additional information on intervals between changes of a mark initial of casual process. The formula for the approached calculation of function which is probability p0 (τ) of is received that in time τ, counted from the any moment t0, was not held any crossing by process of a zero level. Having function p0(τ), it is easy to calculate W(τ) required density of distribution of intervals between adjacent zeros of process. The error of approach depends on number k the taken into account (discounted) functions R1(τ) and can be made as much as small with growth k. On an example of modeling of three broadband processes it is shown, that at k = 8 the relative error of calculation W(τ) does not exceed 5 % even at decrease (reduction) of size W (τ) concerning the maximal values in 20 times in area «tails» of density.


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