Methodische aspekte des lesetrainings beim erlernen der deutschen sprache als zweite fremdsprache

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This article deals with the organization of the reading process as one of the main types of work on the practice of oral and written speech, its important role in the formation of socio-cultural ideas about the country of the studied language, the development and consolidation of basic skills of various types of speech activity is considered. A system of step-by-step tasks is described for a more complete and meaningful understanding of the original text, practical tips on organizing independent reading for different language levels are offered, and a list of the most interesting modern sites for choosing reading in German is provided.


Receptive activity, speech interaction, authentic text, educational and developmental task, language environment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205162   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-2-78-80

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