Педагогические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук

Публикации в рубрике (1739): Педагогические науки
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"Болонский процесс" как генератор перманентного кризиса в российском высшем образовании

"Болонский процесс" как генератор перманентного кризиса в российском высшем образовании

Шолохов А.В.

Статья научная

В настоящей статье представлен краткий обобщённый философско-педагогический анализ содержания и результатов процесса реформ российской высшей профессиональной школы, осуществлённых в рамках так называемого болонского процесса. В нём представлено соотношение планов и ожиданий реформаторов с результатами включения российского образования в данный процесс и соотнесение полученных результатов с объективными потребностями общества в кадровом профессиональном потенциале, исходя из устремлений российского общества к прогрессивному развитию страны, в том числе в её экономики.


"День защитника Отечества" на страницах истории его учреждения: в контексте патриотического воспитания личного состава органов внутренних дел

"День защитника Отечества" на страницах истории его учреждения: в контексте патриотического воспитания личного состава органов внутренних дел

Чимаров С.Ю., Шеянов К.В.

Статья научная

В статье представлен анализ отдельных аспектов, сопряженных с формированием армии нового советского типа, изначально именуемой как Рабоче-Крестьянская Красная Армия. Уточняя процесс исторической динамики учреждения армейской государственной институции, авторы прослеживают историю ее создания, подтверждаемую необходимыми историческими свидетельствами в виде конкретных документов. По мнению авторов, предложенный ими обзор направлен на решение вопроса исторического просвещения личного состава органов внутренних дел, по определению призванного решать сущностные вопросы защиты Отечества оно различного рода «внутренних нестроений».


Adapting of individualization technique in foreign language teaching

Adapting of individualization technique in foreign language teaching

Smirnova V.N., Zemskov A.A., Lovkov A.A.

Статья научная

The article deals with the problem of the individualized activities in foreign lan-guage teaching. In this aspect, an individual educational task on the example of the discussion of personality-oriented issues in the process of classroom work of future engineers is considered as appropriate solving the problem of forming communicative competence. The authours come to the conclusion that individualization techniques approach proves to be an effective way of developing communication skills for work in small classes in the absence of an authentic environment at non-language faculties of higher education institutions.


Application of information computer technologies in teaching grammar in English class

Application of information computer technologies in teaching grammar in English class

Bakieva S.T., Nasyrova M.T., Apzhaparova A.Sh.

Статья научная

Today, among such a variety of methods and forms of teaching a foreign language, it is important for teachers to choose the most appropriate one to meet the requirements stated in the new generation educational standard. The use of information and communication technologies, characterized by high communicative ability and active inclusion of students in learning activities, contributes to adaptation to modern social conditions, because society needs people who quickly orient themselves in the modern world, initiative and independence. The article studies the methodology of using information technologies for the formation of grammatical skills of a foreign language.


Assessment for, as, and of learning; integrating learning, teaching and assessment

Assessment for, as, and of learning; integrating learning, teaching and assessment

Muradkasimova Sh.K.

Статья научная

The following scientific article helps to differentiate among various assessment-related terms as AfL, AoL, and AaL. Also, it compares and contrasts three views of learning (behaviorism, constructivism, and cognitive science) and describes how each leads to a different vision of assessment.


Building math familiarization activities in integrated orient to promote positive and creative activities for preschoolers in the north mountain of Vietnam

Building math familiarization activities in integrated orient to promote positive and creative activities for preschoolers in the north mountain of Vietnam

Hoang Thi Tu, Nguyen Thi Oan Trang

Статья научная

One of the important contents in the preschool education program is the formation of mathematical symbols. Due to age characteristics, in order to help children understand and remember the initial knowledge of mathematics fully and accurately, building integrated activities is an effective and practical job.The article affirms that building integrated activities is a necessary task in the process of teaching preschool children to be familiar with mathematics; propose suggestions for preschool teachers to promote integration in teaching math in order to encourage the positivity and creativity of preschool children with the desire to contribute to improving teaching effectiveness in schools.


Case-study как метод формирования компетенций

Case-study как метод формирования компетенций

Ерохина Л.Ю.

Статья научная

Современный рынок труда предъявляет требования к уровню профессиональной подготовки молодых специалистов. Базу профессиональной компетентности специалиста обеспечивает уровень овладения компетенций, формируемых в ходе освоения содержания учебных курсов. Качество и уровень освоения компетенций обусловлены учебно-профессиональной деятельностью бакалавров. Основным методом формирования компетенций бакалавров педагогического образования является case-study, о чем свидетельствуют результаты опытно-поисковой работы, отраженные в статье.


Certain aspects of e-learning course development for distance learning

Certain aspects of e-learning course development for distance learning

Akhunova Ye.A.

Статья научная

The article discusses certain aspects of the development of an electronic training course for distance learning. The paper provides a description of the concept of an electronic training course, gives various approaches to determining the structure of an electronic training course. It presents the main stages of preparing an electronic training course, developed on the basis of a generalization of the opinions of a number of researchers and an analysis of the author’s own experience in developing an electronic course in the discipline “Finance”.


Comparison of distance learning offers by Polish and Ukrainian universities before COVID-19

Comparison of distance learning offers by Polish and Ukrainian universities before COVID-19

Okulicz-kozaryn W.P.

Статья научная

The aim of the study was to compare distance learning offers by Polish and Ukrainian Universities before COVID-19. The following methods were used for the research: literature review; sociology (planning of experiments, questionnaire survey, grouping and processing of results); statistics (primary processing, verification of statistical hypotheses). The object of the research is distance learning in Polish and Ukrainian Universities. The subject of the research is offers in distance learning of Polish and Ukrainian Universities. The Research hypothesis: there were not significant differences of the Universities' offers in distance learning in Poland and Ukraine before COVID-19. The results are of great practical importance: - University management systems in Poland and Ukraine must equip Universities for distance learning. - Polish and Ukrainian professors, policy makers, managers and educators must use distance learning methods for teaching. The results can be used to study the problem in East European universities.


Competence-based approach in the context of subject education

Competence-based approach in the context of subject education

Buryak N.Y.

Статья научная

This article discusses the concept of competence in language education in general and describes the conditions for the successful implementation of the competence approach in teaching foreign languages. It describes the content of various types of competencies that are formed in foreign language classes and are the goal of language learning and language acquisition. An attempt is made to prove that in the modern educational paradigm, the competence approach is a priority methodological basis for the development of goals, objectives, and content of professional training of future specialists in the context of subject education.


Concepts of pedagogical process and its psychological bases

Concepts of pedagogical process and its psychological bases

Alipbek A., Abisheva L., Balazhanova Zh., Kulanbayeva G., Kopabayeva A., Sultanbekova A.

Статья научная

This article examines some conceptual differences between different approaches of the stage of determination, the purpose of education and the side of the property, the personality traits. And here the authors highlight as the most significant in sociocultural, activity and personal aspects of the pedagogical process. The authors will briefly define the role of a holistic person in education, which is important to the teacher and psychologist not only in the psycho-pedagogical plan itself, but also in their worldview and methodological priorities of understanding such a complex phenomenon as the personality appears.


Development and improvement of speaking skills in the process of teaching English

Development and improvement of speaking skills in the process of teaching English

Bakieva S.T., Ahmedova E.G., Mirzakmatova Orozbubu

Статья научная

The article discusses the importance of developing and improving speaking skills in teaching English. The authors consider subjective and objective reasons that influence the success of mastering the speaking skill. The article also analyzes the positions of various authors regarding the ways and methods aimed at developing the speaking skill. Some difficulties in mastering the skill of speaking that arise in the classroom of the English language are considered. The authors are convinced of the priority of the communicative competencies of the teacher and students in teaching English. In the process of analyzing scientific papers on the problem of developing the speaking skill, the author formulated his own vision on the main difficulties in developing the speaking skill and identified the causes that cause them. The article emphasizes the great importance of the educational level of an English teacher in the preparation of practical tasks for speech activity, as well as the ability to actively use their psychological and pedagogical competencies in practice.


Difference between how introverted and extroverted students learn English

Difference between how introverted and extroverted students learn English

Asankul Kyzy N., Tashtanova N.D., Koichumanova G.K., Zhumagulova E.Zh.

Статья научная

The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences in ability between extroverted and introverted personalities in learning English. The differences in speaking, writing, listening and reading skills are described in this study. The analysis in this study used a descriptive analysis regarding the differences in English skills between extroverted and introverted personalities. The results show that there are differences between extroverts and introverts in English language learning ability. When it comes to speaking skills, extroverted students are more proficient than introverted students. Introverted students are more proficient in writing, listening and reading skills.


Digital transformation in higher education: trends and impact of the pandemic in 2020

Digital transformation in higher education: trends and impact of the pandemic in 2020

Zelenova K.G.

Статья научная

Digital transformation is fundamentally changing the way companies approach their operations, product and service offerings, marketing efforts, and all other aspects of their organization. Higher education is one of the largest industries that can reap significant benefits from digital transformation. The article presents an analysis of key trends related to the digital transformation of higher education. This article also describes the impact of COVID-2019 on higher education. In this case, the virus was the driver of the development of digitalization


Distance education in universities: advantages and disadvantages

Distance education in universities: advantages and disadvantages

Drokina K.V.

Статья научная

The purpose of this article is to analyze the results of introducing distance education into the educational process of universities which is of particular importance and relevance in the modern world. The article presents the results of an analysis of the main advantages and disadvantages of distance learning as well as a survey of students conducted by the author on this topic. The urgency of the combination of traditional and distance learning formats in modern conditions has been substantiated.


Distance education: then and now

Distance education: then and now

Kondrashova I.V.

Статья научная

The article dwells on the development history of distance education. It considers the evolution of distance education forms from correspondence to radio, then to television, and finally, to online education. The article also touches the problems of online education during the global coronavirus pandemic, as now it is the time to gravely rethink, renovate and redesign education systems throughout the world to make them correspond to current situation.


Effectiveness of video materials for foreign language teaching

Effectiveness of video materials for foreign language teaching

Ashrapov B.P.

Статья научная

The article dwells on effectiveness of video materials for foreign language teachings. It is noted that the usage of e-manuals and materials are targeted at several stages in the course of complementing the content of lesson. In is concluded that students evaluate the completed assignment while hearing the phrases actually pronounced by the orator. The author of the article lays an emphasis upon the idea that students take special interest in classes resorting to e-manuals and video materials, on the whole.


English language skills university graduates need for employment in transport and logistics industry

English language skills university graduates need for employment in transport and logistics industry

Komkova A.S.

Статья научная

In today’s highly globalized economy, transport and logistics play an important role in value creation and national competitiveness. Transport and logistics industry of Russia is a growing sector that strongly influences the economic performance of all the others. For the transport and logistics specialists, it is essential nowadays to be able to coordinate negotiations, communicate and collaborate effectively with colleagues, clients, and business partners in the professional settings, interpret the documentation involved in the transportation of goods, such as insurance contracts and customs information that are commonly found in English. Thus, university graduates apart from the occupation-specific knowledge need to be equipped with the right English language skills determined by the ongoing development of cross-border transportation networks. The current paper aims at presenting the English language skills required most in the transport and logistics industry. The author also provides an example of how higher education institutions meet the challenges of the changeable requirements of the industry.


English language teaching methodology based on feature films

English language teaching methodology based on feature films

Sabirbaeva Z., Bapy K.K., Zhusupaliev K., Zulpukarova A.K.

Статья научная

Due to the growing need to use authentic feature films in English language teaching, which becomes obvious due to the constant presence of mass media in everyday life. This situation requires teachers to critically rethink the possibilities of this genre in order to use it more effectively in language learning. The article considers the use of feature film in the process of teaching a foreign language as an effective means of forming communicative competence of students, and its pedagogical conditions.


English language teaching methodology based on feature films

English language teaching methodology based on feature films

Kudaiberdieva G.O., Amrakulova B.J., Janyshbekova A.J., Ulan Kyzy A.

Статья научная

The article discusses the role of feature films in teaching a foreign language and developing motivation for learning it. The advantages of using cinema as a means of teaching a foreign language are outlined. Films are not only a source of linguistic and regional information, but also provide the opportunity to create tasks for studying vocabulary and grammar, developing listening comprehension skills and speaking a foreign language.

