Methodology of organization of inclusive physico-mathematical education of students of secondary school by the means of distance learning technologies

Автор: Abdrahmanova Eugeniya, Klevetova Tatiana, Komissarova Svetlana, Romashenko Alexey

Журнал: Грани познания @grani-vspu

Рубрика: Международная научно-практическая конференция «Информатизация образования - 2019»

Статья в выпуске: 2 (61), 2019 года.

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The article deals with the methodical approaches of organizing inclusive physico-mathematical education of students by the means of educational sites and web-quests.

Inclusive education, secondary general education, site, web-quest, online course, methodology, physics, mathematics

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IDR: 148310415

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