Methodological approach to research and design of mechanical disk hopper-oriented devices

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The article describes the main stages of research and design of mechanical disk hopper-orientating devices for asymmetric parts of rotating bodies, which make it possible to ensure the required productivity and high reliability of technological equipment based on the regularities of functioning of hopper-orientating devices. The tasks that should be solved at each stage of research and design are considered. A detailed example of the calculation, design, and investigation of an improved mechanical disk hopper feeding orientator with radial rectangular pockets, an annular orientator, and radial comb-shaped slots for a solid, frustoconical end piece is provided. The results obtained during the research and design of the improved design of the hopper feeding-orienting device made it possible to determine the ranges of operating values of the design parameters and the circumferential speed of the gripping organs, at which the device will reliably function and ensure its greatest feed rate.


Bunker feeding-orienting device, design, probability of gripping, orientation of asymmetric parts of bodies of rotation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328550   |   DOI: 10.37313/1990-5378-2024-26-1-70-75

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