Methods of effective management of the industrial multilevel metallurgical companies

Автор: Azhluni A.M., Biryuchkov D.N.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (78), 2019 года.

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Modern economic relations in Russia assume an existence of various types of property and business. In these conditions exclusive importance is gained by an issue of studying features of the organization, activity technique and the prospects of development of different industrial multilevel companies. One of the most dynamically developing industries nowadays is metallurgical industry. The improvement of a technique of management of the industrial multilevel metallurgical company and its subsequent development is possible only when the top management of the company consciously manages the economic assets invested in the company in general and in its affiliated undertakings. In this connection, a research of the problems connected with increase in management efficiency both the industrial multilevel metallurgical company in general and its separate elements gets an extremely important value. These problems are on crossing of several scientific directions: theory of management of the complex systems, theory of investments, theory of multilevel hierarchical systems, theory of institutional capacity, theory of resource management of the organizations. Use of effective methods of management of the industrial multilevel metallurgical company directly defines profit formation of this company. To manage such a company effectively, it is necessary to consider it in general and in a section of the affiliated organizations. The purpose of writing this research is to offer effective methods of management of the industrial multilevel companies. In the course of the research such methods as analysis, synthesis and comparison were used. As a result research definition of the industrial multilevel metallurgical company is given, a number of methods on increase in effective management of the industrial multilevel companies is offered. Thus, having summed up the result of the research, it is possible to draw a conclusion that effective management of the industrial multilevel companies is the multi-stage process covering all spheres of activity of the company and based on the effective work of financial and technical services of the organization.


Corporate management, multilevel company, holding, holding company

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147228794   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2019.3.63

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