Methods of psychological influence used by employees of the penal enforcement system in the process of carrying out operational investigative activities

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In the article, the author examines the issues related to the use of various methods of psychological influence by employees in the process of carrying out operational investigative activities. This topic aroused particular interest due to the fact that employees of operational units of the penal enforcement system face a variety of individuals serving sentences in correctional institutions on a daily basis. Methods of psychological influence on persons in places of deprivation of liberty are an integral part of the professional and official activities of a criminal intelligence officer. Analytical work on the study of various methods of psychological influence has been carried out. The author focuses on the consideration of such methods as: persuasion, informing, suggestion and coercion. It is concluded that the establishment of psychological contact with the convict is one of the main tasks of the operative employee of the operational department of the correctional institution.


Methods, employees of the penal enforcement system, psychological impact, psychology, persuasion, informing, suggestion, coercion, orientation, dynamism

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IDR: 14129506   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2023_4.1_7_10

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