Interdisciplinary integration as factor of forming scientific research competence of foreign language teacher

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The article presents a complex analysis of interdisciplinary integration for managing scientific research and designing research educational environment. The basis of interdisciplinary integration consists of discipline interactions that combine conceptual representations of various subjects, forming a content platform for the educational process. The interdisciplinary integration is viewed at the methodological, theoretical and practical levels. The factors determining the interdisciplinary design of the educational environment are methodological and methodical integration as well as an individual learning strategy. Based on the given analysis interdisciplinary integration can be characterized from the substantive and procedural points of view. The content interdisciplinary integration is represented by three types of interaction: intradisciplinary, interdisciplinary and metadisciplinary. The results and analysis of student surveys are presented showing that the formation of scientific research competence in training future foreign language teachers is aimed at updating and improving their own learning activities focused on the use of modern forms and methods of cognition with the transference of learning activities to innovation level.


Scientific-research competence, interdisciplinary integration, integration, scientific research educational environment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147232001   |   DOI: 10.14529/ling180407

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