International innovation and investment projects in the field of education as an object of management and marketing

Автор: Schetinina Ekaterina D., Lesovaya Svetlana L.

Журнал: Общество: политика, экономика, право @society-pel

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2024 года.

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The aim of this article is to examine the specifics of project and marketing management necessary for the effective implementation of new forms of international innovative investment projects (IIIPs) under modern conditions. Current trends and key issues of this process are revealed at the present time. The methodological foundations of managing international innovative investment projects (IIIPs) have been explored and refined, highlighting their characteristics, features, and stages of the project life cycle. Conditions for the effectiveness of such projects are summarized and formulated. Recommendations for improving the management mechanisms of IIIPs have been developed based on the integration of project and marketing approaches. A classification of project costs and a methodology for their assessment have been proposed, illustrated through a joint Russian-Chinese project in the field of higher education. The necessity of algorithmizing the management of IIIPs based on a structural approach is substantiated.


International project, project management, standardization, marketing, evaluation criteria and cost structure of the project

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IDR: 149147019   |   DOI: 10.24158/pep.2024.12.12

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