Migratory processes as a factor of the territorial and settlement structure transformation in the Arkhangelsk region (1989—2010)

Автор: Konstantinov Alexander S.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social science. Political science. Economics

Статья в выпуске: 18, 2015 года.

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Migration processes occurred in the Arkhangelsk region in the period between 1989—2010 have not been researched well yet. The author analyzed the census. Some issues of the migratory behavior in the emerging market model are investigated. Migration processes are considered as one of the factors that influenced the changes that have occurred in the territorial settlement structure of Arkhangelsk region.

Population censuses, migratory processes, transformation of territorial and settlement structure in the region

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148318741

IDR: 148318741

Список литературы Migratory processes as a factor of the territorial and settlement structure transformation in the Arkhangelsk region (1989—2010)

  • Nefedova T.G. Sel'skaya Rossiya na pereput'e. Geograficheskie ocherki [Rural Russia at the crossroads. Geographical essays]. Moscow, Novoe izdatelstvo, 2003, 408p.
  • Nefedova T.G. Desyat aktualnykh voprosov o sel'skoj Rossii: Otvety geografa. [Ten urgent questions about rural Russia: answers of a geographer].Moscow, LENAND, 2013, 456p.
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