Micromorphology, composition and localization habits of mineral deposits of aortal valves cusps according to the scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffractometry
Автор: Pukhov D.E., Vasilev S.V., Zotov A.S., Ilin M.V., Rudy A.S.
Журнал: Вестник Национального медико-хирургического центра им. Н.И. Пирогова @vestnik-pirogov-center
Статья в выпуске: 1 т.9, 2014 года.
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The research objective is the detailed examination of morphology, localization and a composition of calcific deposits for detection of calcification lesion features within aortal valve cusps. Materials and methods. Samples for examination were the aortal valves cusps changed by the calcification lesion. They have been explanted from two patients during a prosthetic repair of the aortal valve by a mechanical prosthesis. In order to reveal the micromorphology and localization of mineral deposits within the explanted valve cusps, scanning electron microscopy was performed. The element content and the phase composition of calcificats were determined by energy dispersive X-ray microanalyses and X-ray diffractometry. Mainresults. Only the quantitative distinction of an extent of injury by the calcification have been taped for valve cusps of two patients. Basing on habits of morphology and localization, it is possible to distinguish two kinds of calcificats. Large layered hydroxyapatite deposits, which are originating from boundaries of tunica spongiosa and external layers of valve cusps, play the basic role in their deformation. Formation of quaggy deposits on cusp surface sites, which have atheromatosis lesion attributes, perfoms independently of the first kind calcificats formation. Hydroxyapatite micro- and nanoparticles also have been found in intersticial cells and an extracellular matrix of tunica spongiosa. Conclusion. It is supposed, that the initial stage of formation of valve cusps deforming hydroxy-apatite deposits is localized in tunica spongiosa cusp layer. Massive calcificats are formed incontrollably on border of this layer and fibrous or ventricular layer.
Aortic valve cusp, calcification, hydroxiapatite, intersticial cells
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140188279
IDR: 140188279