Mineralogical and technological characteristics of iron ore Serovskoe deposits

Автор: Sorokin E.M., Astakhova J.M., Bystrov I.G., Ivanova M.V., Ruzhitskiy V.V., Ozhogina E.G., Yakushina O.A.

Журнал: Вестник геонаук @vestnik-geo

Рубрика: Научные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 1 (241), 2015 года.

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Now, iron resource base is of low quality. Therefore, it is important to develop an effective, waste-free processing technologies of ferrous ores. Technological conversion efficiency of ferrous ores is based on the most complete information on their material composition. The Serovskoe deposit of legume-conglomerate of ferrous ocher and iron-nickel ores is confined to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Zamorayskaya depression. There are two types of ferrous ores, ocher and legume-conglomerate, which have been studied. We used the following methods: optical microscopy (stereomicroscope Leica MZ 12.5 and light microscope Leica DMRX, Germany), X-ray phase analysis (X‘Pert PRO, Netherlands), X-ray tomography (BT-1 “Geotom” Prominto, Russia), scanning electron microscopy (Tesla-301B, Slovakia), microprobe analysis (Jeol JXA-8100, Japan). We may relate both ocher and legume-conglomerate Serovskoe ferrous ores deposits to one technological type by their mineralogical features. Natural disintegration of the ores, the prevalence of goethite fine material in close association with clay minerals, the presence of ironcontaining chlorite, ore minerals close fusion, both among themselves and with the rock-forming phases, leveling the technological properties of specific minerals, adversely affect their dressing by physical methods. General textural and structural characteristics of the ores (high dispersion of the overwhelming majority of the ore, heterogeneity, complex relationships of minerals due to the development of secondary textures and structures, desiccation cracks, etc.) favor the chemical enrichment methods.


Textural and structural features, technological properties, goethite, kaolinite, ocher ores, legume-conglomerate ores

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149128636

IDR: 149128636

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