The mystical experience of modern person: ways to describe

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The article is devoted to the peculiarities of conveying the impressions of mystical experience by people of modern culture. The author emphasizes that traditional religious cultures have developed an Arsenal of tools, rituals and symbols that allow to understand and read the impressions of the mystical experience. However, modern culture, firstly, has lost this valuable baggage, and, secondly, has lost the religious optics of considering altered States of consciousness, it mixes Western and Eastern terms and practices, hence the need to talk about mystical experience in another language. The article shows that the story describing the mystical experience is subject to the same rules as the usual story, while in modern culture, instead of referring to symbols and rituals, analogies, the connection of everyday speech with philosophical categories and descriptions of the emotions and States experienced dominate. This is especially true of experiencing Nothing.


Mystical experience, modern western mystic, point of view, worlds of experience, narration, the one-nothing, enlightenment, dark night of the soul, experiences, emotions, exalted feelings

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IDR: 144161252

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