Model of formation of positive motivation of VOC students to entrepreneurship

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A propensity for entrepreneurship is inherent in people with certain character traits that are realized in a specific cognitive-pragmatic field. Willingness to act at your own “peril and risk”, while receiving benefits, the ability to make the right decision in a situation of uncertainty, strategic thinking - these are a few of the qualities required for an entrepreneur. The importance of developing a readiness to carry out entrepreneurial activities in young people studying in professional educational organizations is determined by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education and the realities of the time. In the conditions of technological transformation and modern development of the Russian economy, the training of entrepreneurs in professional educational organizations should begin with the formation in students of positive motivation for entrepreneurship. It is clear that motivation for activity is generally based on attitude towards the task and confidence in one’s own ability to complete it. The motivating motive is both psychological (the presence of certain qualities) and professional (the presence of strong knowledge in the subject of activity) readiness of a person. The article presents a theoretical model for the formation of positive motivation for entrepreneurship among students of professional educational organizations, which consolidates two complementary aspects of business-oriented training - socio-psychological readiness and cognitive-pragmatic readiness, providing an emergent effect in the development of students’ motivation for entrepreneurship. The principle of self-organization - the development of the complex from the simple and the emergence of order from chaos - formed the basis of the proposed model. It shows how the educational process of a professional educational organization can be organized to create positive motivation for students to engage in entrepreneurial activity.


Business-oriented training, motivation for entrepreneurship, model for the formation of positive motivation for entrepreneurship, emergent effect

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IDR: 142240207

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