Model of intermittency of grand minima and maxima in solar dynamo

Автор: Kitchatinov L.L., Olemskoy S.V.

Журнал: Солнечно-земная физика @solnechno-zemnaya-fizika

Статья в выпуске: 15, 2010 года.

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Model αΩ-dynamo with casual fluctuations of parameter α reproduces all the basic characteristics of solar grand minima and maxima. Taking into account the dependence of the turbulent diffusivity on a magnetic field shows a hysteresis phenomenon. In a certain range of dynamo numbers, two types of solutions - decaying oscillations of weak fields and magnetic cycles of strong fields of constant amplitude - coexist settling in dependence on the initial conditions. Fluctuations of the α-parameter provoke transitions between these two regimes and the computations show intermittency of magnetic cycles of relatively large amplitudes and epochs of weak magnetic fields. This behavior may serve as a model of grand minima and maxima of solar activity.


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IDR: 142103393

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