Model of the innovative-resource potential management for the enterprise of water supply

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The article proposes and describes an organizational and economic model for managing the innovative resource potential of a water supply enterprise in order to develop its innovative activity. The main components of the model are presented: the internal and external environment, the resulting block. The environmental factors influencing the object of study - the innovative resource potential of a water supply enterprise, include economic, environmental, infrastructural, political and technological factors, the influence of each of them is described. The internal environment of the model includes the input and output parameters, the object and subject of the study, the features of the business processes of the water supply enterprise, as well as the methodological approach to assessing the object of study. The author’s methodological approach includes two methodologies, which are consistently implemented: 1) the method of forming an integral indicator of the innovative resource potential; 2) the assessment method of influencing the innovative resource potential on the resulting performance indicators of a water supply enterprise. As the resulting indicators of the area, which is analyzed, economic, social and environmental indicators were chosen. The result of the management will be the formation of a set of recommendations for managing the innovative resource potential of a water supply enterprise and, as a result, the application of the developed recommendations when predicting changes in the innovative resource potential for the development of innovative activities of enterprises in the industry in question. The proposed model was tested in the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal of St. Petersburg” to search for promising opportunities to improve the innovative activities of the enterprise in question.


Organizational-economic model of management, innovative-resource potential, enterprise of water supply, innovative activity, forecasting

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142235639   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2381

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